Thank you for your interest in building brain healthy communities!
The Brain Health Initiative (BHI) seeks to position brain healthy communities as epicenters for groundbreaking brain health research. The initiative will bring together community leaders, residents, stakeholders, and interdisciplinary teams of researchers and clinicians, as well as regional, state, national, and global collaborators. The BHI – with its longitudinal brain health study and Brain Health Innovation Accelerator – has the potential to advance our understanding of the brain and develop interventions to enhance brain health and optimize performance across the lifespan.
Building brain healthy communities will take all of us. Thank you for participating in your own brain health and helping us create the infrastructure to inspire brain health promotion, preservation, protection and optimization for all. We have the opportunity to make a difference globally and to drive brain healthy communities to become leaders in brain health science and applications to improve outcomes!
It is now up to the change agents, each of you and many others, to see that this opportunity can become a reality.
As you may already be aware, there are many ways to participate in the initiative:
- Research Participant
- Volunteer
- Friend (staying informed!)
- Research Assistant
- Academic/Clinical Collaborator
- Attend Brain Health Events and Programs
- Support the Brain Health Scholar Program
- Participate in Research Round Tables
- Donate to the BHI
Please let us know how you’d like to get involved, and we will be sure to reach out!
With gratitude,
The Brain Health Initiative